Packing always takes longer than expected. We finally left about
12:45 pm traveling down to Woods Hole where we parked the car,
loaded up the bikes, and headed for the ferry. Joyce and I are
going to Martha's Vineyard for a three day trip to celebrate
our anniversary. We arrived on island about 6:00 pm and rode
our bikes to the Admiral Benbow Inn, a bed and breakfast
located in Oak Bluffs at 88 New York Avenue. We checked in
and then walked over to the "Ocean View" restaurant for a
yummy dinner. We brought along the laptop and six DVDs to watch. The optical drive used to work, but it no longer does. After some testing and frustration I finally gave up. The drive is dead. It doesn't show up in Windows or in Linux. So, the fallback plan was to find a movie on Netflix that we could stream. We watched "Pride and Prejudice", an older BBC version from around 1985. I guess we'll have to just use Netflix for now. |